The Challenge
There is more demand than there are hours in a day for the neuroscience expert John Assaraf. Monetizing this mindset genius who's been featured in movies like “The Secret” and “Quest for Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama meant leveraging his superpowers through online courses that bring steady profits while filtering for those willing to invest far more in private mentoring. Putting our Heal At Scale systems in place, he is changing more brains all around the world and enjoying ample time with his gorgeous wife Maria and his two boys.

“Achieve Your Goals Faster & Easier Than Ever Before.”
That's the promise Mr. Assaraf makes to those who invest in his teachings, so you can imagine the pressure we felt to help him hit his financial goals for Neurogym. Happy to report that not only did we untangle the mess former consultants had created with online ad platforms, Travis led his team to exceed expectations by hitting 112% of their revenue goal for the year. That was a wild ride well worth the effort!
“I set a high bar for our revenue goals and it was surpassed with ease, efficiency and organization. I've changed more lives with my scalable online programs than I could ever have reached 1 on 1. While there will always be a place for individual care, I can more clearly determine what's needed if people have been supported through online programs prior to working with me privately. I find that those willing to do an initial program online are more invested in their own success and more willing to take responsibility for their outcomes.”
John Assaraf
Neuroscientist Specializing in Mindset and Behavior