Should You Have A Personal Or Business Brand As A Wellness Practitioner?
Are you torn between growing a personal brand or a business brand for your wellness practice? You're not alone. For many health and wellness professionals, deciding which direction to take can feel like a daunting choice that can impact your success and growth.
I’m Joy Houston, CEO of Heal At Scale, and today, I’m here to help you navigate this decision based on my own personal experiment on Instagram. With years of experience in building brands that resonate, I’ve learned a thing or two about what works—and what doesn’t—in the world of social media and digital marketing. And I’m excited to share that with you!
And I got only a handful of new followers on the brand account and I've almost tripled my personal account.
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The Dilemma: Personal Brand or Business Brand?
Building your brand is a lot like choosing the right supplement—there are a lot of great options, but only one will fit your unique needs perfectly. The same goes for deciding between a personal brand (using your name) and a business brand (a unique name for your practice).
Personal Brand Pros:
On the other hand, if you’re developing a brand that you intend to sell or scale quickly, then focusing on a business brand might be the smarter choice. But before you make any decisions, I highly encourage you to consider what’s best for your long-term goals.
My Personal Experiment: The Results Are In
Now, let’s talk about the times when a business brand might be the better option. If your goal is to create a product or service that you want to scale rapidly or even sell one day, building a brand around that concept makes sense. For example, if you’re a practitioner who’s developed your own supplement line and plan to sell the business in the next few years, a business brand will increase its valuation.
However, remember that once you sell that business, you hand over your audience to the new owner. You won’t have those loyal followers ready to jump into your next venture. So, if you think you’ll want to stay in the game long-term and continue to grow with your audience, a personal brand might be the way to go.
Making Your Decision: What’s Right for You?
If you're still on the fence about which direction to take, it’s okay. Deciding between a personal brand and a business brand is a big deal, and it’s important to align your choice with your goals and vision for your practice.
For more insights on how to make this decision and a free asset to help guide you, feel free to connect with me on Instagram @RealJoyHouston. Let’s get you the clarity you need to grow your practice in a way that feels right for you.
The Faster Path to Client Conversations
One thing I’ve learned through this journey is how much faster you can engage in meaningful conversations when you use a personal brand. Social media allows you to connect with your audience in real-time, addressing their pain points directly and guiding them toward solutions. This shorter timeline can significantly boost your ability to convert followers into clients without the lengthy nurture sequences required in traditional email marketing.
If you want to dive deeper into these strategies and see how a personal brand could change the game for your wellness business, come chat with me @RealJoyHouston. Let’s find out what’s working for you and what you need to shift to make your brand the best it can be.
Final Thoughts: What’s Best for Your Wellness Practice?
At the end of the day, the decision between a personal brand and a business brand boils down to your unique goals.
- Are you looking to create a flexible, loyal following that will grow with you?
- Or are you focused on building a business that you can scale quickly?
Either way, choosing the right path will set you up for greater impact and growth in your wellness practice.
For more strategies on scaling your practice, make sure you subscribe to the Heal At Scale YouTube channel and watch my latest video where I reveal the results of my Instagram experiment in detail.
No matter what you choose, just remember: your brand is a reflection of your passion, your values, and your vision to make a difference in the world. Make it count!
👇See examples of a next step YOU can take to leverage your knowledge to make exponentially more income.👇
Social Media Still Causing you a lot of worry ?
Below is a free resource that can help you with negative beliefs that are limting your success in social media as a wellness practitioner! Message me on Instagram or click the image below to get our free resource: 3 Sabotaging Belief's Practitioners Must Replace!