You are officially invited to do less!
If we all chased the flavor-of-the-month marketing tactics, we’d not only lose our minds, we’d also lose money and moral! There would simply be too much to do and we’d never get funnels and promotions pushed all the way through launch and into optimization! That would be a BIG mistake. Here’s why:
Every task you and your team members take on is an investment in your business, invest wisely.
Everything you accomplish from a simple promotion or sale to the most complicated of funnels, they all create assets that can be rinsed and repeated (yet rarely does this happen).
There is a better way.
If you change direction every time you hear about a brand succeeding on this platform or with that widget or because of the latest funnel your mastermind is going on about…
…well, I feel confident that you’d be FAR better off executing your first idea well than if you chase new ideas without getting to the point of optimization.
And by better off, I mean that you would have gained more leads, made more money, and have higher moral on your team.
That said, you do want to stay in the know about what’s possible, what’s new, and what’s working for your peers. So, how do you balance new ideas and be sure that your team members never have the experience of feeling like their efforts are wasted?
The Quarterly Scorecard

After a decade of helping brands move from six-figure to seven and eight-figure businesses, we can state with confidence that the single biggest needle mover is having teams do less to a higher degree of quality.
Launching fewer marketing initiatives and executing them to the essential point of optimizing, that's money!
Quality wins over quantity every time. That means it is absolutely essential to choose your marketing initiatives wisely. The best tool we've found to select and prioritize ideas for execution is the Quarterly Scorecard.
Are you ready to do less and make more?
That said, you do want to stay in the know about what’s possible, what’s new, and what’s working for your peers.
So, how do you balance new ideas and be sure that your team members never have the experience of feeling like their efforts are wasted?
This FREE customizable spreadsheet walks you through the process of